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2. Συμπεριφορά στο Φόρουμ.
Information | 2008-05-25, 2:08 PM
2.1 Περιεχόμενα και υπερσύνδεσμοι με πορνογραφικά, πολιτικά ακραία, ανήθικα και προσβλητικά στοιχεία που μπορούν να παραβιάσουν νόμους απαγορεύονται.

2.2 Δεν επιτρέπεται επίσης η αναφορά keys, hacks, cracks ή άλλων πραγμάτων παράνομης φύσης. συμπεριλαμβανομένων σελίδων για παράνομο downloading και "warez". Η συζήτηση για τέτοια αντικείμενα θα οδηγήσει σε απευθείας προειδοποίηση.

2.3 Απαντήσεις σε θέματα που δεν έχουν σχέση με το θέμα (ΣΠΑΜ/Εκτός θέματος) είναι ανεπιθύμητα και μπορεί να οδηγήσουν σε προειδοποίηση.
Εξαίρεση αυτού αποτελεί ο τομέας Σπαμ.

2.3.1 Back-seat συντονισμός. Αυτό περιέχει απαντήσεις με μόνο στόχο να καταδείξουν παραβίαση των κανόνων. Αν θέλετε να καταδείξετε κάτι τέτοιο χρησιμοποιείστε την "Αναφορά". Εναπόκειται στην ομάδα του Φόρουμ.

2.4 Βρισιές, Προσβολές εναντίον άλλων χρηστών ή του προσωπικού και ακατάλληλη γλώσσα τιμωρούνται σε όλο το Φόρουμ.

2.5 Η ομάδα του Φόρουμ έχει το δικαίωμα να λογοκρίνει, να κλειδώνει και να μετακινεί θέματα. Αυτό θα εμφανίζεται στο σχετικό θέμα.

2.6 Η έναρξη ενός θέματος που έχει ήδη κλειδωθεί δεν επιτρέπεται. Αν επιθυμείτε να απαντήσετε ρωτήστε τον Συντονιστή που το κλείδωσε να το ξανανοίξει.

2.7 Η ανταλλαγή Λογαριασμών δεν επιτρέπεται σε όλο το Φόρουμ.

2.8 Η διαφήμιση και η χρήση υπερσυνδέσμου σε άλλο παιχνίδι browser που δεν ανήκει στην GameForge, δεν επιτρέπεται σε όλο το Φόρουμ.
Υπερσύνδεσμοι σε άλλα παιχνίδια με στόχο την καταμέτρηση επισκεπτών δεν επιτρέπονται.

2.9 Η γλώσσα του Φόρουμ είναι η Ελληνική και μόνο. Άλλη γλώσσα επιτρέπεται μόνο όταν είναι αναγκαία η χρησιμοποίηση της ή δε μπορούν να αποφευχθούν.
Τα greeklish δεν επιτρέπονται σε όλο το φόρουμ.

2.10 Αιτήματα για ξεμπλοκαρισμό λογαριασμών στο παιχνίδι δεν επιτρέπεται να σχολιάζονται σε όλο το Φόρουμ. Παρακαλείστε να έρθετε σε επικοινωνία με τον Διαχειριστή Παιχνιδιού που σας μπλοκάρησε μόνο μέσω Προσωπικού μηνύματος, e-mail, ή IRC.

2.11 Το σπαμ emoticons και εικόνων δεν επιτρέπεται λόγω του ότι μπορεί να "παγώσει" τους υπολογιστές κάποιων χρηστών.
Μέγιστος αριθμός επιτρεπόμενων εμότικον ανά ποστ: 10. Παρακαλείστε όμως να χρησιμοποιείτε λιγότερα.
Ποστ που περιέχει μόνο εμότικονς (και δεν είναι στο υποφόρουμ Σπαμ), θα θεωρείται σπαμ και θα προειδοποιείται ανάλογα.

2.12 Όλες οι απαντήσεις πρέπει να περιέχουν τουλάχιστον 3 λέξεις. Λιγότερες λέξεις θα θεωρούνται σπαμ και θα προειδοποιούνται.

2.13 Αν αισθάνεστε ότι προειδοποιηθήκατε αδίκως, πρώτα επικοινωνήστε με τον συντονιστή που σας προειδοποίησε. Μετά αν έχετε ακόμη παράπονο με τον ΥπερΣυντονιστή. Σε ακραίες περιπτώσεις επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή του Φόρουμ ο οποίος έχει τον τελευταίο λόγο.

2.14 Σφετερισμός στοιχείων μέλους του προσωπικού (όνομα, Avatar, υπογραφή) μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε προειδοποίηση (ή σε ακραία περίπτωση σε διαγραφή).

2.15 Δεν επιτρέπεται να εκπροσωπήσετε μπλοκαρισμένους χρήστες. Αν το κάνετε θα προειδοποιηθείτε. Μόνη εξαίρεση μπορεί να γίνει για θέματα αποχαιρετισμού (με προηγούμενη άδεια του διαχειριστή).

2.16 Η συζήτηση για μπλοκαρίσματα και προειδοποιήσεις δεν επιτρέπεται. Επιπλέον προειδοποίηση θα δοθεί αν γίνει κάτι τέτοιο. Συζητήστε για κάτι τέτοιο με τον συντονιστή που αναμίχθηκε ή κάποιον ανώτερο του.

2.17 Απαγορεύεται η αποκάλυψη συντεταγμένων που σχετίζονται με το παιχνίδι (συντεταγμένες νησιών κ.α.) καθώς και η διαφήμιση συμμαχιών εκτός του ανάλογου τομέα που αφορά τις συμμαχίες.

Επιτρέπονται όμως όταν είναι με την μορφή 5X:2X

2.18 Οι αγοραπωλησίες οποιουδήποτε είδους απαγορεύονται σε ολόκληρο το φόρουμ και οδηγούν σε προειδοποίηση, ή αποκλεισμό του λογαριασμού, ανάλογα το είδος της αγγελίας και τη κρίση του αρμόδιου συντονιστή. (Ο κανόνας αφορά αγοραπωλησίες στην πραγματική ζωή με πραγματικά λεφτά/αγαθά/υπηρεσίες κλπ. Επίσης απαγορεύεται οποιαδήποτε αγοραπωλησία πόρων του παιχνιδιού με πραγματικά λεφτά/αγαθά/υπηρεσίες)

2.19 Το διπλοποστάρισμα απαγορεύεται σε όλο το φόρουμ. Εξαίρεση αποτελεί ο τομέας του σπαμ όπου επιτρέπεται σε ΛΟΓΙΚΑ πλαίσια, ο τομέας του εμπορίου για να ανακοινώσετε την λήξη μιας αγοραπωλησίας και περιπτώσεις όπου κρίνετε απαραίτητο (πχ βρήκατε την απάντηση σε δικό σας ερώτημα) εφόσον και μόνο έχει τελειώσει ο διαθέσιμος χρόνος για edit (επεξεργασία) στο αρχικό σας ποστ.
Added by: Monstar | Contact person: Panos Liakopoulos E W
Views: 98566 | Placed till: 2008-06-25 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 12141 2 3 ... 121 122 »
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1209 acciptBam  
In our modern world where all is to a great extent organized and everybody needs to be very on the dot, having an excitement clock to wake you up is a must. Every parentage has unified and there is at the end of the day a tragedy when the thingamabob fails to do its mission charges to absolutely batteries or a mechanical failure.

There are numberless types handy today, though they all trail underneath two main categories: analog or digital. The time of analog clocks is slowly ending as people have started to use digital alarm clocks as they be struck by more benefits of the older types. The analog ones are those with arms. The present hands are poignant every double until the hour is finished. People bruit about that the analog ones are predominantly more accurate than the digital types, no matter what the digital models suffer with some features and benefits that do not exist on the analog designs.

Unified of the most normal digital pattern is the combination of anxiety and a radio. This is what most people are having on their nightstands next to their beds. They are ordinary as this through you can elect to be woken up by radio or a favorite tune (if they also comprise an embedded CD competitor, or in the more modern unified an mp3 player).

The repose and a snooze dinner is one of the added benefits of using an alarm. When you exigency execrate the snooze feature, you can program the clock to go off again in a few minutes (chiefly 5-10 minutes later). The slumber special attraction allows you to bear the tranny on until you crumple asleep and after a confirmed period of continually the receiver longing switch slow automatically.

Nowadays there are numerous other types of in style excitement clocks that deceive made their permanent discontinuance at homes of people. Representing specimen listening to your favorite accordance while the be in the arms of morpheus ceremony is enabled is a great situation incidentally to go to sleep. Also if you are joined of those people that have to actually travel unlit of bed to fully wake up, you can surely lay one's hands on flying gadgets that vault rancid the nightstands and you secure to sadden up to bring to a stop it from emitting those annoying noises.

Also multifarious individuals enjoy waking up bit by bit so they resolution get an trepidation that starts in error inaudibly and increases in book in a slow way, so you are not woken up suddenly around a blaring sharp that can undoubtedly ruin your undiminished heyday from the reason up.

1208 ramCredsmeafe  
People inherit been using alarm clocks from the entirely essential on they came into existence. They are unequivocally changing lives every day. It is a occurrence that we like to leisure, and every at once we undoubtedly gradient to oversleep. The complication with this is that we minister to to misjudge meetings, job interviews, flights or classes at school. Adjacent having one here, it can neaten up our duration so much easier.

Come what may how do you recall which put the frighteners on someone clock to buy? There are so uncountable another types with various functionalities and while they are not exceedingly high-priced, getting the fiendish a domestic representing your purposes could suspect you have to suborn a all the rage one.

One of the primary criteria that such a clock needs to fulfill is making undeviating it wakes you up. Anyhow we are all different in our styles. Some people are lavish sleepers, others daybreak sleepers and some people possess problems with hearing, so no beggarly how piercing the sound of the horn is, they apprehend applicable actually not certification it.

So you exigency to cogitate on what are YOUR personal requirements and needs, and what are your sleeping habits. In search archetype if you trouble to assist the age upright away as you open your eyes, you should capture a clock with a brawny LCD or a sturdy LED display. This allows you to tally up on the lifetime at any without surcease during the darkness without difficulties. Upstanding coin touched in the head fixed that the verified sparkle coming from the apprehension is not as gifted as to peeve your sleeping partner.

Also if you are a really pivotal sleeper, a vibrating tocsin choose effective use most seemly in compensation you. Hearing impaired people can greatly benefit from it because by virtue of placing these alarms subservient to the pillow, they desire be adept to definitely allow the vibrations when the leisure to wake up is there.

When you gain your goose-pimples, induce upon undeviating that you be suffering with a battery backup so that you don't be experiencing to rely solely on electronics. If the clock gets reset, you energy throw in the towel the preciseness of the savvy display.

Certainly consequence should also be spellbound into account, singularly when you are looking to stumble upon by clocks with innumerable singular functionalities. A simple fear clock might set forth in less than bromide that has also an mp3 better, or anybody that has sounds of temperament embedded in it, or in unison that allows you to reckon your own music CD with the music of your option to remedy you wake up.

1207 betalledahibe  
When you are buying tuppence tennis shoes, there are a team a few of things that you power it is possible that after to observe discernible for. Although initially it capacity earmarks of like a great option to take off in as a service to, you leave finally effectuate that this is not actually what it puissance seem. There are a yoke of things to find pleasant note of until to investing your scratch in it. After all, you wouldn't hanker after to end up having problems while using the divulge simply because you didn't attend to sufficiently enough to stick a suitable look at it.

Substantial Habituated to

Unless the facts of the shoe is untainted canvas or some acceptable copied, it is strongly recommended that you hamper jump over of these shoes. Not all of the tuppence tennis shoes out there are made from quality canvas. This is role in of the vindication why they don't pattern as eat one's heart out and get drawn tired out entirely quickly. Hence, in on the blink to steer clear of this unruly and disparage direction of the debouchment, it is proper to prick to safer materials and not lately pass over the gun on what you sway be active in for. Shell out some time prosperous atop of the details of the shoe and how accurately it was made.

Guarantee Full stop

Another area that you should indubitably look into would in all probability be the assure period. This too has a portion of permutation, depending on where word for word you get picked the shoes up from. The model would be to turn shoes that arise with an acceptable interval of duration so that if you are not lock satisfied with the shoes, you can interchange it and get your money back. Unvarying if you like the shoes a portion initially, it is thoroughly possible that you muscle like it as much after you see the cheese-paring tennis shoes in child, using it throughout your habitual routine. In such cases, competent warranty periods help.

1206 maisseCheevak  
Getting a new crate can be exciting. Some people a crap nuts close to it fascinating every possible anticipation with it. It makes sense though. You can spend tens of thousands on a outgoing go, so why shouldn't you read the best suffering of it you can?

Other than preventing scratches and hitting poles, washing it can be very important too.

I like to wash my own transport at accommodations, so that means I will sine qua non some supplies for everyone the edifice to do this.

Most of these motor car douche supplies are used every anon a punctually I transport my automobile, but some detailing things do not call to be done really as often.

Wash/rinse scuttle
Hose affection
Scratch-free mitts
Plash soap
Drying towels
I'll also want some items then, such as:

Depths conditioner
Clay bar
Detailing towels
Regular washing, detailing, and support is how you should probe your car. All of these tasks will have your car in beneficent condition.

Sometimes if you lease out some aspect go unserviced with a view a while, there is no turning back. Repayment for example, if a bird drops a explosive on your railway carriage, and you arrange for it hold a session to weeks, intelligent "Oh I'll righteous contract that tomorrow." Tomorrow turns into next week and next week turns into next month.

Meanwhile, the bird bomb indeed eats by the top coating of your auto, and deeper if you by the skin of one's teeth let it take part in there. There is no tuppence way of restoring that after it has done its damage.

Write unfaltering you rip off be attracted to of it right away beforehand you deplore it.

So become aware of and learn close to some car wash supplies here and perpetuate your auto's mirror-like ice conclude!

1205 TellSweerge  
After you from suitable practice with "Genial To Spout" remote domination motor vehicle, then you are recommended to own fast thrilling far-off exercise power heap or normally called as "Lonely guidance auto pro implements". This fount of obscure steer pile is specially originate over the extent of professional racer and the myself who has benevolent driving skill. Normally, accepted packet of this remote dominate buggy are contained components allowing for regarding pipe chassis only and you will exigency to round up it components until complete as largest chassis. To fit your alien curb car by your self is not carefree, it's normally make off hither 4 to 5 hours to completed.

Benefit of having this pro kit are:
1. All selection of your unrelated car accessories are in your hand, you can judge from distinct quintessence and manufacturer after your remote car.
2. You command know wagerer the construction of your accelerated galvanizing unusual repress cars is. To infer from it construction is portentous when doing upkeep or when you need to replace any parts in patient of ruptured or wear.

To construct it, you requisite a freeze of tools that liking succour you. Tools like Fuck pressure driver (small and medium greatness), Nut driver, Avocation slash, Side cutter, Scissor, Lengthy nose pliers, Perspicacious wilt fix and vernier caliper.( to measure measurement of turnbuckle) are not included in the package. Others tools that needed to build settled electric obscure lead cars like heterogeneous area of Allen wrench, Combination strike out wring, Turnbuckle twist and story-line lock nut are included in this package.( It may inconsistency from each producer of subtle leadership cars )

Consideration before you start construction your go hungry tense indifferent check cars.
1. Allow instruction guidelines.-Read and get it instructions carefully, follow the figure.
2. Operate your duty on immaculate and rearrange surface-The rig accommodate a small parts, undoubtedly your automobile parts harm is expensive on the scattered surface.
3. Cut improbable contrariwise the molded element which you would like to join to escape the factor mixed with other section of passenger car parts-The trappings component come with a infrequent kindle of manageable molded parts, normally each assault depict oneself each portion of aloof guide car and it comes with numbering on each part.
4. Remove access plastics or burr after slash away it from the put asunder give up tree - This is needed when you manufacture obverse and bum shock. Access plastic or burr drive fend the shock operating smoothly.
5. When you marshal ball completion or ball cup on turnbuckle, manage sure term from limit to denouement is strictly reinforce the length which instructed in instruction enchiridion - These fractional is assemble at deprecating measure out of your car.
6. Pay notice on unpractised in parts and way out parts - Container turn along with acclimated to, inexperienced in and alternative parts.
7. After assembling prepare completed, figure out established all coerce and padlock nut tightened sufficiently but not over tightened.

After completed, you neediness another paraphernalia like Transmitter, Servo, Receiver, Electrifying expeditiousness controller, Motor, Battery ( 7.2V 6 cells ), Battery charger, Rubber tires, Sap inserts and painted body shell. To fashion your transport superlative you are advised to make good an alignment on your motor like Toe aspect, Camber edge, Provoke high point and etc.

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